About the Los Angeles, CA Area

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DemographicsZip: 90401State: CANational
Median household income (dollars) 58,057 61,400 53,046
Population male 3,761 18,561,020 152,018,799
Population female 3,005 18,764,048 157,119,912
Median age 39.6 35.2 37.2
Population under 18 yrs of age 347 9,282,806 73,979,859
Per capita income (dollars) 51,714 29,551 28,051
Median home value (owner occupied) 670,800 383,900 181,400
Median year structure built (age of homes) 1970 1973 1975
Total housing units 4,793 13,667,226 131,642,457
Vacant housing units 480 1,200,895 16,415,655
Owner occupied housing units 234 6,978,397 75,484,661
Renter occupied housing units 4,079 5,487,934 39,742,141
Median gross rent (dollars) 1,365 1,209 889
Male high school graduates, GED, or alternative 391 2,456,935 28,050,765
Male college degree - 2 yr (age 25+) 163 831,301 6,753,079
Male college degree - 4 yr (age 25+) 1,265 2,247,372 17,553,603
Male college degree - masters (age 25+) 366 855,775 6,851,493
Male college degree - doctorate (age 25+) 81 222,377 1,558,062
Female high school graduates, GED, or alternative 403 2,531,624 29,656,087
Female college degree - 2 yr (age 25+) 283 1,030,208 8,982,930
Female college degree - 4 yr (age 25+) 765 2,420,198 18,976,272
Female college degree - masters (age 25+) 405 910,612 8,337,921
Female college degree - doctorate (age 25+) 65 129,387 928,124
Women 15 to 50 years who had a birth 31 531,999 4,278,307
Never married 3,556 10,598,271 78,954,939
Median monthly housing costs (dollars) 1,384 1,441 1,015
Commuting by public transportation (excluding taxicab) 120 837,820 6,967,689
Commuting by carpool 168 1,877,683 14,032,099
Worked at home 446 839,160 5,977,629
Commuting by bicycle 19 169,860 785,665
Commuting by walking 614 449,779 3,938,418
Commuting car, truck, or van 2,648 13,772,327 120,551,904
Median number of rooms per housing unit 2.9 5.1 5.5

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Census Bureau 2008-2012 American Community Survey 5 Year Estimates

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